In common with so many, I owe more to John than I can say, and more than he'd ever have recognised. I joined the Sea Cadets as a very shy 12 year old and his care, humour and nurturing care helped to make me into far more confident person. I fondly remember parade nights, with John arriving with his huge CO's briefcase and working parties on more weekends than I dare recall, where we learned so many practical skills and had fun doing so.
My favourite memories are the slightly mad things - the banter between John and Bill Salter (Bill always getting the better of John who was eternally to earn Bill's comic disdain as John had served in the RAF and not the RN), collecting radio equipment from Portsmouth which was so heavy the front wheels of John's car barely touched the road, and endless playing with boats. John laughed with people and never at them, and was always ready to help.
John was a friend, guide, and encouragement to very many. My prayers are for him, for his beloved Allison and their family, and for all who will miss him. God bless and keep you John, and thank you.
The Revd David Warner
6th February 2023